Let's Talk


Turn adversity into advantage

Change that Transforms

Man Climbing an IcebergAdversity takes us out of what was predictable and sets us down in unfamiliar territory. We don’t know what to expect and are temporarily thrown off balance. It changes our perception of what we think life ought to be. Our future looks dark and dismal. And the world of sunshine has become colorless and grey.

The refreshing summer rain is seen as an intrusion on our daily routines. The silent falling snow is only a hazard to driving; the sky full of twinkling stars is obliterated by flashing neon lights and the full moon that turns the earth into an exquisite and ethereal landscape never even registers in our consciousness. The beauty of the world around us has suddenly been transformed into obstacles of nuisance or irrelevance.

What transforms our world from one image to another? Has the world itself changed or have we changed? And why does it matter?

Adversity can so alter our perception of life that we no longer see blessings or anything of beauty or goodness.

It’s as though we have put on sun glasses that completely obliterate anything positive and encouraging. And in our desire and haste to find a new comfort zone, a new predictability, we remain focused on everything that is wrong.

Yet in the midst of our world that has been turned upside down, it is possible to pause, take off those dark glasses and see God’s creation and beauty that surrounds us every day.

In that pause and reflection we are reminded that God is still in charge. He has not abandoned us and continues to reach out to us in many ways.

In that pause, we become aware of the kindness of a stranger, the helping hand of a friend, or the encouraging words of the Psalmist.

Good things can come out of tragedies, misfortunes and adversities.

As we pick up the scattered pieces of our lives, we can reassemble them into a new, broader and more comprehensive picture of life. It is where we develop the muscles and strength to live a more meaningful life.

Marlene Anderson


Do you see them?  The blessings that surround you?

A New Perspective

Young Woman Standing with Arms Stretched OutEvery day, we have the opportunity to observe and be blessed by the wonders of our world.

These wonders and blessings come in the promise of a warm spring morning, or as a refreshing, gentle summer rain. They are found in silent, falling snowflakes that shimmer like diamonds in the winter sun. 

Who hasn’t felt blessed by a cooling summer’s rain or been touched by the quiet serenity of an earth blanketed in mounds and mounds of downy snow?  And who hasn’t experienced the deep, enduring and gentle peace that comes from looking over a countryside bathed in the light of a full moon. And what person hasn’t marveled at stars so dazzling and vivid it seems we could reach up and touch them.

At such times, nature is silenced and time suspended.

And yet, the snow is only frozen water, and the sun, moon and stars are nothing more than hardened, desolate, uninhabitable rocks and dangerous gasses.

What transforms these unattractive objects into things of beauty? And what happens to change the mundane of everyday events into things of beauty, miracles and blessings?

When I allow my mind to become quiet and still, I not only see the beauty of our world and universe, but experience it on a deep, penetrating, healing level.

God reveals Himself to us in these timeless acts that occur every day.

The mystery of life is constantly unfolding around us from the green shoot pushing up through the dirt to the developing baby spiders clinging precariously to the edge of their web. We brush them aside as a nuisance before we have had time to consider what it would be like without them.

I am humbled by the power of God witnessed in storms that lash out in gale force winds. But at the time I do not consider them blessings. Yet, it is through storms that the earth is swept clean and renewal occurs. If we take time to observe the awesome power and beauty of God in nature, would we be able to recognize that same awesome power in our personal lives as well?

Marlene Anderson

Never give up

When challenged with adversity, Never Give Up

Never Give Up

CB063487It took the woman who swam the 110 miles from Cuba to Florida five attempts and thirty-five years.  As she emerged from the water, she said to the reporters, never, ever give up.

We see this attitude to achieving great feats from other athletes who prepare for competition for years and years.

 But is this attitude just reserved for dedicated athletes? 

Can we apply that same principle of purpose and fortitude to our everyday lives?

As a history buff, I have read many stories of our revolutionary war and the Second World War. A common thread in winning these battles against incalculable and insurmountable odds was determination and resolve.

The mindset? Never give up.

Our lives at times can seem like war zones – the battle to survive exhausting. Sometimes adversity can seem endless – stretching for miles and miles. You are exhausted and your resolve and will is tested beyond the norm. And you just want to crash and give up.

It is never easy to keep going when you feel there is nothing left. Yet, I’ve found in my own life that there is always a reserve that will take me through; a hope that with God’s help I can persevere and a resolve that continues through the toughest times.

There are many things in life I have no control over. But I always have control over how I respond to whatever is happening. That is a choice I make. 

Marlene Anderson

What will it take

MP900438523What will it take for you to reach your goal?  What will it take to meet the challenges of your current situation? 

Today, a 64 year old woman completed her goal of swimming 110 miles from Cuba to Florida.This was her fifth try since 1978.  It was a lifelong dream of hers.  Wow!!

How often do we give up?  How often do we believe we have no options?  How often do we believe we are too old, too poor, too uneducated? How often do we convince ourselves that it is too hard or requires too much sacrifice?   

I don’t know about you but I don’t have any excuses.

Marlene Anderson

Self Reliance

What will it take to become self-reliant?

Writer’s Retreat

MP900444381This summer I spent an incredible week at a writer’s retreat with seven women authors. From the moment we got up in the morning to the moment we went to bed late at night we wrote.

The house graciously extended to us for the week was large enough for each to find a quiet secluded spot to sit with our laptops and write. Except for those times when we shared writing journeys, listened and offered support for each other or when we met for our evening meal, we were immersed in creating and developing our ideas.

It was an inspiring, exciting and highly productive week.

During this time, I was able to expand and create an outline for my next book, “The Next Step, How to deal with Adversity”. It was exciting to see the chapters and content develop into a cohesive unit.

Learning ways to become self-reliant as single women is both critical and challenging in a world where major change happens in the blink of an eye.

Self-reliance does not mean we are totally independent. It does not mean we don’t need the support and mentoring of others. It does mean that we are required to determine what our needs and interests are and find ways to develop them and provide for our welfare.

Self-reliance means developing a sense of self that is both separate yet connected to others requiring honesty and authenticity.

Support means encouraging one another to meet the challenge of our struggles.

For those who have been following my blogs and have signed up for my free monthly newsletter, you know that I have been writing on this theme, The Next Step, since last December. As I continue to expand and write on this theme, it becomes even more apparent to me how important it for us as women to learn not only what it takes to survive in this rapidly changing world, but also find ways to remain grounded and stabilized as we develop our identity.

Marlene Anderson

Attitude Check

Have you checked your attitude lately?