Let's Talk

Posts Categorized: The Counselor Is In

When Stress Becomes Distress

Everybody has stressful days that result in sore necks and shoulders. Sometimes we have sleepless nights as we wrestle with problems. But then we regain our balance and go on with life. Our bodies are extremely resilient and flexible. Even when high levels of stress extend for longer periods of time, we are still able…

We are Made for Stress

If we used the analogy of a car and gas, we might say we were the vehicle and stress the gas. Stress is the energy that drives the engines of our lives. But we are behind the wheel and in charge of how we use that energy. Cars will run effectively and smoothly for a long…

Can Stress Be Good?

“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28 You’ve been asked to work overtime yet again, the bus was late, you arrive home to kids fighting and an irritated husband, the kitchen is a mess and you just want to…

Meeting Life’s Challenges

“Just then a woman who had hemorrhaged for twelve years slipped in from behind and lightly touched his robe. She was thinking to herself, “If I can just put a finger on his robe, I’ll get well. “Jesus turned – caught her at it. Then he reassured her: ‘Courage daughter, you took a risk of…

Make Stress Work for You

At a women’s retreat this past weekend, I asked the question, who had experienced stress in the past week. All hands went up. I then asked how they experienced their stress. What were the symptoms they had. As I jotted responses on the white board, I was reminded once again of just how many demands are…

Rest In Peace

Preparing for a weekend retreat on “Reducing Distress while Maximizing Good Stress”, I outlined ways we can make stress work for us instead of against us. We create a lot of our distress by our responses to whatever is happening in our lives. One of the exercises I use with my groups comes from a…

Just Rest

When we find ourselves in the midst of turmoil, crisis and difficulty, we want to quickly find a way out of the anxiety, fear, uncertainty and uncomfortable feelings that hold us captive. We want to be doing something, anything that will take us out of that space. But sometimes we are asked to do nothing….

Take Advantage of Opportunities

Years ago, my husband took a two year sabbatical from the college where he worked so we could take advantage of an opportunity to teach overseas. After the first year, his mother suffered serious health concerns requiring an early return to the states. Upon our return, I started graduate studies for my master’s degree. Half…

Accentuate the Positive

In his book, “Happiness is a Choice”, Barry Neil Kaufman lists “6 key shortcuts to happiness”. The first key is “make happiness the priority”. Getting all the things we think we must have or need in order to be happy, in reality does not make us happy. In fact, “things” in general will leave us wanting, disappointed and unsatisfied….

A New Perspective

Years ago I worked for a company contracted to help injured workers in chronic pain recover and re-enter the workplace. Some had been injured on the job even with all the safety precautions. As part of their rehabilitation and recovery program, they attended a two week all day class. Most were not happy to be…