Let's Talk

Find That Passion Within

We can challenge our fears about job loss and rising living costs by taking positive action; cutting our expenses, becoming a smart shopper and taking advantage of bargains and second hand stores.

Cutting up credit cards, buying only what we need, and sticking to a realistic budget can help us say NO to unnecessary wants while we take charge of our lives. 

But if you are continually unhappy, stressed and exhausted, and find it difficult to find meaning in the work you do, it might be time to reconsider your goals, passions and career.   

You may have chosen your current occupation because you believed it would give you financial security or professional status or a thousand and one other reasons. But fear is keeping you from exploring alternatives.

If this is a career choice that isn’t a good fit for who you are, even if you have invested a lot of time, energy and education in getting you there, you will remain stressed, burned out and exhausted.

Brian Souza, in his book, Become Who you were Born to Be, writes,

“Happiness in life is not about money, fame, recognition, or even competition. Successful people love what they do and feel compelled to express the best that is within them. They don’t strive to be better than their neighbors or contemporaries – they strive to be better than themselves.”

What energizes you?

What things create an instantaneous and intense enthusiastic response from you? What kind of work could you do all day and never get tired? What dream or burning desire do you have? Is there a need for this in the marketplace? How can I harness my passion and make money? Can I do this part time or as a second job?

If you have prepared for a downturn, have developed your marketable skills, and have put your financial house in order, perhaps this is a time when you need to explore what you were truly meant to do – what energizes you.

In my upcoming blogs, I will talk about challenging and replacing negative thoughts that stream through our consciousness and keep us from exploring alternatives. 

©2012 Marlene Anderson, MA, LMHC, NCC

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