Let's Talk

Posts Tagged: critical self-talk

How to Replace Negative Self-Talk With Affirmations

“You always fail.”

“You are too stupid to learn.”

“You will make a mess of anything you do.”

Negative messages repeated over and over make it difficult for us to believe in ourselves. We soon personalize them and repeat them in our self-talk:

I keep failing.

I have to be careful, or others will find out just how inept I am.

Today on my podcast and blog, I’ll show you a strategy to replace negative self-talk with affirmations.

Changing Your Internal Dialog from “I Can’t” to “I Can”: Practice Positive Affirmations

What do you say to yourself when the world drops out from under you?

When the doctor says you have cancer, or your child has become a drug addict, or when a beloved spouse, parent, or grandparent is on hospice?

Every day, in some way, we are responding to the tragedies, calamities, and heartbreaks we experience. We seldom think about what we are saying to ourselves at such times and how it can impact our ability to meet those challenges.

Words have incredible power, especially when they devalue who we are, our worth, esteem and abilities.

Today on my podcast and blog, you’ll learn how to replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations – a process that will guide you as you create new goals.

How to Replace Critical Self-Talk with Affirmations

finger pushing "play" button

Going through tough times can be discouraging. You find yourself becoming more and more critical of yourself and others. While each day offers an opportunity to work towards new solutions, our self-talk can become a major stumbling block.

When negative thoughts and self-imposed judgments are constantly repeated, they become an ongoing internal dialogue, like a recording set on auto-replay.

This recording only contains our failures, the times we have been disappointed or rejected. I call this on-going recording your “internal critic.”