Let's Talk

Posts Tagged: positive attitude

No Matter What, I Can Make It

Yes, I can.

You just left the doctor’s office after discovering that the problems you were having had been diagnosed as cancer.

This was totally unexpected. You are shocked. What do I do now? I am a widow and live alone. How will I deal with this?

Things like this happen all the time to everyone. It may not be a cancer diagnosis that stops you dead in your tracks, but a financial crisis, or a family member in trouble.

We know we’ll have tough times, but we aren’t as prepared as we think. And when the unexpected happens, we experience shock and helplessness. Today on my podcast and blog, I’ll share my own life-stopping moment with you, and what I did that got me through it.

Choose Your Attitude

Attitude is a way of thinking, a viewpoint, or a frame of mind that we choose. Our attitude is reflected in how we look at life overall as well as the way we think.

What is your attitude and how does it affect your life every day, in every way?

Today on my blog and podcast, I’ll outline six shortcuts to happiness from the book, “Happiness is a Choice,” by Barry Neil Kaufman.

Yes, You Can

Yes, You Can | focuswithmarlene.com

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.’”

— Erma Bombeck

You have been on a life-altering journey, a journey you had neither anticipated nor wanted.

There have been many unexpected surprises that demanded change, adjustment, a new assessment, and adaptation of plans. Your life has been forever altered.

Taking back the reins of your life requires purpose, choice, and determination.