Let's Talk


Girls Holding Plate of Mince PiesChristmas cards promote peace to our world. We tend to project that idea of peace out there – to the world at large. It suggests freedom from war and harmony with nations of opposing ideology and purposes.

Yet peace begins within each of us and it starts with making peace with God; then ourselves and radiates out towards family and friends.

Peace creates a state of quiet and tranquility within us. When we experience peace, our mind is calm and free from anxiety.

Making peace, however, sounds simpler than it is. Without having peace suggests we are in conflict with others.  Achieving peace requires agreeing to make an end to hostilities replacing it with forgiveness and harmony.

To make peace with God requires our recognition and need of His grace and forgiveness and humbly confessing our sins. To make peace with ourselves we extend that same grace and forgiveness to ourselves.

When we have experienced that grace and forgiveness, we are able to extend it to others for we recognize we too commit injustices.

May the Prince of Peace who came down to earth so long ago, meet you during this Christmas season and give you peace.

 Marlene Anderson


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