Let's Talk

What if. . . Re-Thinking Christmas

Listen to this episode of the Focus with Marlene Podcast:

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What if…

We discovered that Christmas really was more than holiday get-togethers, calculated gifts, and the compulsory visits to relatives we otherwise would not speak to?

Would we truly experience Christmas?

What if…

We really got it; that Christmas is about the birth of a Savior?

Would we realize our need for Him?

What if…

We stopped trying to live perfect lives, pretending we had it all together?

Would we become real?

What if…

We made our own pilgrimages into the soul, laying bare our sins and shortcomings before a loving God?

Would we discover grace and peace?

What if…

We forgave ourselves.

Would we be more forgiving?

What if…

We were willing to share our talents, abilities, and skills, our tattered love, vulnerabilities, and incompleteness with those around us.

Would others discover Christmas?

May the God who was willing to allow His son to come to this earth as a vulnerable baby, transform your life as He continues to transform the world; and in that transformation, may each of us truly experience Christmas for the first time.

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